The Practice

About the practice

Springfield Medical Centre is a large family run practice. Registered patients may consult with anyone of the doctors who are in partnership and based full time at the above address. The doctors provide general medical and essential services to all our registered patients. The practice covers lower, mid and greater West Belfast within a 5 mile radius of the surgery. The practice is committed to delivering quality care, and all practice staff including the doctors have a commitment to continuous personal and professional development and undergo annual appraisal.

Surgery Consulting Times With the Doctors

Booked Surgery, for both doctors and nurses are by appointment only
Mornings from 8.30am – 11.30am (for booked surgery only)
Afternoons from 2 pm – 5.30pm

Please note above surgery times are open to change, and not all doctors are available at these times so please check with reception. The surgery operates an emergency service from 17.30 pm – 18.00 pm on Monday, Tuesday Wednesday and Friday from 17.30 pm – 18.00 pm, and on Thursday from 12.30 pm – 18.00 pm.

Should you need to make contact during these hours please contact us the following number:
Mobile : 07717072321